Saturday, January 03, 2009

IF: resolve

I'm resolved not to miss as many IF posts as last year. It got to be a lil bit more then I had expected.


  1. I love the simplicity and the lines. Excellent composition!

    I know..."IF" can be addictive.

  2. Oh good! You will be back... us old-timers need to stick together.
    Hope you are having a spectacular New Year!

  3. Me too, Michael, I have the same resolution on mind :)

    Happy 2009!

  4. I agree with Studio Lolo - the lines are very effective. Well done!

  5. Very simple lines that capture the gesture so well! Happy New Year!

  6. yes, we need you Michael :) always loving your art and presence! Happy New Year!

  7. IF is addicting. Sometimes the words leave little to be desired, so I don't have the same energy to post as I once did.

  8. Michael, that's a great resolution and one I would also like to keep. Your presence has been missed.

  9. Splendid idea! We all will benefit from that...seeing your art often :)

    HapPy NeW YeaR!

  10. You have so much expression with her hand on her glasses. Great resolve.

    I hope you keep your resolve.

  11. When the shades come on, it means someone's ready to get serious. Great resolution. We'll give it a go, too.

  12. Glad to hear and see your resolve- I look forward to more!
    Happy New Year!

  13. I agree with your resolution. I also missed more posts last year than I intended to. Here's to a new year!

  14. you've got nice looking legs for a man with a mustache! as for your comment… i know what you mean… i am finding it harder and harder and posting later and later… but i will try…

    as for the work i am looking for… well… if the museum had more folks coming… maybe i wouldn't be looking… so both!!!

  15. ohh nice drawing. i like the texture, too.

    best regards

  16. i like her expression.

    i too am resolved to post more...but i forgot it was new years...i just ended up trying to get some of my stuff organized and made a sort of calendar...starting with january. heh.
