Saturday, May 20, 2006

IF: sorry


  1. never share the stage with puppies or children… they're too cute… and having too much fun… oh they might say they're sorry but we know better… still it's hard to remain upset for long…

    that second drawing is quite trippy…

    well done

  2. I understand the first one . . . hee! Wish there was a story for the second- I'm intriqued!

  3. Haha this little one is in big trouble and sorry too! The second one is so graphic and mysterious!!!

  4. Both are sharp! The top is funny, and wow, she's in trouble I think. The second I think is the way i'd like to say sorry, except-I might want to write it all over myself, so the wronged gets the point. So good!

  5. Funny you should use a kid with TP... one experience my son had with apologies came after he and a group were caught TP'ing a schoolmate's house. The mom came unglued. My son was the only one to show up the following morning to apologize and help clean up.

    Anyway... yeah, I want to know more about the second illustration. There's definitely a mystery there.

    Cool post(s).

  6. ROFL! I love that first illo! My daughter did this once...strung the TP through the entire house to see how far it would go (her words). Of course...that wasn't as bad as the time she got ahold of a Sharpie, and wrote her initials on her bike, the screen door, her bike helmet, AND our SUV's tail lights (she had just learned how to write her Talk about being in trouble! (amazing what they can get into when you turn your back for mere seconds!).

    Great job!...and, your second illo is sad...

  7. the first one is cute and funny! My cat still pulls all the tp off the roll when she's bored.
    In the second pic, does the man have a bullet hole through his head?

  8. Funny idea, I love that you kept it light. Sometimes kids are more sorry they got caught rather for being sorry for their actions.

  9. The kid with the tp is so funny! I like the close up shot on the second one with the tear ~ very effective!

  10. i love the little girl wreaking havok with a roll of toilet paper....i think i was that little girl 25 years ago!
