Friday, October 20, 2006

IF: ghost


  1. i like the bottom one. it actually kinda looks like the night after halloween. when mom decided the sheets are still perfectly good to be put back on your bed.

  2. gotta say...the second one's my favorite.


  3. That is so awesome! I love it and I dont get many jokes but that is funny! Going to have to show much husband this one ;-)

  4. ...unless it rains!
    tnx for your funny comment

  5. These are both cool and so different! Wish I could see the top image enlarged more...very cool effect you used. And the bottom one is priceless. :-)

  6. Nice. I loved that whole "ghost in the machine" cyber punk era in the late eighties, early nineties. Ever read William Gibson's _Monalisa Overdrive_?

    Cute sheet joke!

  7. hi hi hi ! the second pics is really a funny concept ! bravo ;)

  8. you really created two unique illos here! The top one is so perfect and clean and smart! The bottom is fun, silly and sweet! Love them!

  9. I particularly love the second one - the cute little eyeholes are great. But the first one is also good too - spooky!

  10. Hahahahaha, this is great! I love the minimalist approach, it's always what I prefer to look at.

  11. Hi Michael!

    Ghosts-laundry - very creative and so simple, cool drawings!

    I think, it's because their clothes are white, they had to wash it - if their clothes were blue or green, it wasn't so easy to see the dirty spots :-)

    greetings - georg

  12. I lole the humor in both these pieces. The bottom one is plain old silly, and it's my favorite:>

  13. Oh, love it!!
    Esp. the one on the bottom-- too cute!
    Now I'm going to be humming "Spirits in the Material World" all day...

  14. Is the ghost in the machine or is the machine a ghost? Cool!

  15. Both entries are great, but the second one made me laugh too!

  16. LOVE! The humor!!!!!!!!!!!! Excellent take on the subject!

  17. I love them both but the bottom one just cracked me up. Nice original concept on the theme!

  18. I love your creative, unique take on IF, and this is particularly great stuff, and the second really funny. So Good!

  19. Love them both The simplicity is very effective!

  20. Either my eyes or my monitor are failing me... can't quite make out the image in the ghost machine... wait, maybe that's the point, d'oh! The second one conveys so much with such economy of line. Beauty.

  21. These are great! very halloweeny, my favorite holiday!

  22. thanks for stopping by... I am so glad I got to see this one.
    I like them both, but the hanger outers, really made me laugh out loud... We all need more of that.

    the ghost machine is just scary enough to make me turn off my computer.
