Friday, October 27, 2006

IF: wind


  1. Very, very original! love your digital technique.

  2. Looks like stickman is having a blast!!! Very cute :-)

  3. Lots of ideas in here. And thought provoking ones. Neat job.

  4. You always have such interesting work...this is unique!! I like it!

  5. I like both but especially drawn to the bottom one for the word 'Feng' which means wind in mandarin! I like the mixture of 'cultures', via wordings and colours :)

  6. very cool work, michael! love the top piece!

  7. it's a very original way of drawing (first one) it's good work!!!

  8. Love the second one - I remember my Japanese teacher explaining to me that the pictogram for "kaze" was the character for insect hiding in a leaf...

  9. Really great! I like the softness in the colors of the first and the graphic one is exceptional!

  10. I really enjoy the differet sides of your creativity! Both are unique and so cool! I especially am intrigued by the bottom one. It took my reading the other peoples comments to understand the meaning but the graphic quality, colours and the combined lettering are beautiful!

  11. quite different takes on the same topic!Both are original, the bottom one more appealing to me. (tnx for your comment, yes it was a typhoon!):)


  12. ReplyDelete
  13. That's cool. I love trying to figure out the story behind the top one.

  14. Fun designs! You are just always a barrel of laughs over here. Your work is always on the light side and that is very nice!

  15. The sleeping man seems to be dreaming of many windy things, I like the tree with the slight grimace on his face and the stick man with a sheet for elevation,
    Beautiful work in your second piece, love the symbolism [found out what it meant from other comments],love the look of and idea very much. Cool pieces of work!

  16. I love the color and line of the first one, Michael. Is this the start of the stick people invasion?

  17. a very cool realisation of the theme!

  18. Love the top one Mike. Very dreamlike. Hope to see more stuff like this sometime!

  19. Nice. I like the very differnet styles of both drawings. The first one feels soft and and bottom one strong.

  20. Both are excellent peices! I like the 1st one for the light hearted whimsical nature of it. The second one is so strong and graphic, its awesome! Both are very good!

    Also, thank you for the nice comment on my blog :)

  21. You're always very original. That's fun! Good reason for comming back and seeing what's new :)I really like your style.
