Saturday, May 19, 2007

IF: signs

In the 40's Kilroy Was Here. In the late 60's and early 70's there was CORNBREAD. Phillies grand daddy of modern day graffiti. Thats right NY, he's the guy who started the writing on the wall. Darryl A. McCray " Cornbread" to me, started spraying his name as a way to get attention of a certain girl. (go figure). By the time he was done he had tagged every subway, trolly and bus route in Philly , not to mention a few police cars and wagons, just for fun. His biggest feats though were tagging the side of the elephant in the Philly Zoo, the top floor of a skyscraper being constructed right near City Hall, and the Jackson 5's jet (thats right he did lil michael jackson's and his brothers plane) when it landed in the "city of brotherly love" for a concert. It was still there when they returned to California.
....... but in the end he had to scrub clean every wall in Philly with his name on it. Today he's 52, still lives in Philly and works keeping youngsters from doing as he did in his prime. ....... but i gotta tell ya it was something to see, everywhere u went, he was there. I know cause i was there. HAHAHAHA !!! .....or was I?
Also, wanna thank everyone who gave me ideas as to how to finish the bottonm pic, in last weeks post. I did 2 both are posted now on my other blog, if anyone cares to look at some bad art.


  1. whoa, you're blastin' the past and remembering all the good details! Kudos to you for the memories and the art! Great drawing, MD.

  2. This is great! Absolutely love your story!

  3. FUNtastic story!and illo...the word needs more people like him....

  4. Very funny and fascinating story Michael, I love the Michael Jackson jet being tagged, beautiful. Perfect picture to accompany the narrative. Love the artwork and fun to!

  5. So did Darryl win the heart of the girl? Beauty.

  6. I didnt know any of this...!!! so thankyou!. I do know that graffiti is now considered by some to be an artform... albiet.. (here today, by some storeowners and gone tomorrow!) and some guy in newyork...who is showcased as a grafitti artist is getting sued.for stuff done 20 years ago... (article)>>

    UM.. so if you were there... (mums the word!)

  7. Thanks for stopping by MD and commenting on my Wallflowers. I'll be framing the originals and showing/selling them in my gallery. You said you didn't know who the first two my blog they would be "Lady in red" and "Sprout." They just happened to be drawn for IF because the word was perfect. I thought of making them a series after getting so many nice comments like yours :)

  8. great story, good to know! and cool illo duo!

  9. Too bad Cornbread never got to NYC. There is still some really magnificent wall art there, and I am sure it was sanctioned by the city. Grafitti lives.. it will always be around, just as tatoos and other weird forms of art. As kids we painted the rocks in our backyard to look like lions and tigers and turtles and big big big bugs!

    Your two finishes for de Lime in da coconut are lovely but my fave is the one at poolside. That is definitely where the drink should be enjoyed.

  10. Terrific, Michael :) I loved your interpretation ;)

  11. Yeah, did he win the heart of the young lady? Great story and illo!

  12. I always enjoy your take on the subject! Also liked your other citrus entries, the one by the pool does reflect a great feel. Thanks for the message on my blog (she is a cutie).

  13. Very cool illustration!!! and the story is very interesting. So- did he?

  14. thanks for sharing the story. i enjoyed reading your post and what a wonderful illustration. i went to your other site, too and you made me wish to visit thailand, again.

  15. Great story!
    Thanks for stoping by my blog!

  16. Interesting story!
    I like the way she stands in the illo.

  17. Great story! I like the way the girl is almost "preening" in front of the signs, done in her honor!

  18. i wonder how many passing by got past the lady in the see-thru skirt?


    i had never heard of Darryl A. McCray. i love coming here. i always find something cool to think about.
